.. python-steem documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Fri Jun 5 14:06:38 2015. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. .. http://sphinx-doc.org/rest.html http://sphinx-doc.org/markup/index.html http://sphinx-doc.org/markup/para.html http://openalea.gforge.inria.fr/doc/openalea/doc/_build/html/source/sphinx/rest_syntax.html http://rest-sphinx-memo.readthedocs.org/en/latest/ReST.html Welcome to beem's documentation! ================================ Steem is a blockchain-based rewards platform for publishers to monetize content and grow community. It is based on *Graphene* (tm), a blockchain technology stack (i.e. software) that allows for fast transactions and ascalable blockchain solution. In case of Steem, it comes with decentralized publishing of content. The Steem library has been designed to allow developers to easily access its routines and make use of the network without dealing with all the related blockchain technology and cryptography. This library can be used to do anything that is allowed according to the Steem blockchain protocol. About this Library ------------------ The purpose of *beem* is to simplify development of products and services that use the Steem blockchain. It comes with * it's own (bip32-encrypted) wallet * RPC interface for the Blockchain backend * JSON-based blockchain objects (accounts, blocks, prices, markets, etc) * a simple to use yet powerful API * transaction construction and signing * push notification API * *and more* Quickstart ---------- .. note:: All methods that construct and sign a transaction can be given the ``account=`` parameter to identify the user that is going to affected by this transaction, e.g.: * the source account in a transfer * the accout that buys/sells an asset in the exchange * the account whos collateral will be modified **Important**, If no ``account`` is given, then the ``default_account`` according to the settings in ``config`` is used instead. .. code-block:: python from beem import Steem steem = Steem() steem.wallet.unlock("wallet-passphrase") steem.transfer("", "", "", "", account="") .. code-block:: python from beem.blockchain import Blockchain blockchain = Blockchain() for op in Blockchain.ops(): print(op) .. code-block:: python from beem.block import Block print(Block(1)) .. code-block:: python from beem.account import Account account = Account("test") print(account.balances) for h in account.history(): print(h) .. code-block:: python from beem.market import Market # Not working at the moment # market = Market("STEEM:SBD") # print(market.ticker()) # market.steem.wallet.unlock("wallet-passphrase") # print(market.sell(300, 100) # sell 100 STEEM for 300 STEEM/SBD .. code-block:: python from beem.dex import Dex # not working at the moment # dex = Dex() # dex.steem.wallet.unlock("wallet-passphrase") General ------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 installation quickstart tutorials configuration contribute support Packages -------- beem ~~~~ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 beem beembase ~~~~~~~~ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 beembase beemapi ~~~~~~~ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 beemapi Glossary ======== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`