
class beem.conveyor.Conveyor(url='', blockchain_instance=None, **kwargs)

Bases: object

Class to access Steemit Conveyor instances:

Description from the official documentation:

  • Feature flags: “Feature flags allows our apps (condenser mainly) to hide certain features behind flags.”
  • User data: “Conveyor is the central point for storing sensitive user data (email, phone, etc). No other services should store this data and should instead query for it here every time.”
  • User tags: “Tagging mechanism for other services, allows defining and assigning tags to accounts (or other identifiers) and querying for them.”

Not contained in the documentation, but implemented and working:

  • Draft handling: saving, listing and removing post drafts consisting of a post title and a body.

The underlying RPC authentication and request signing procedure is described here:

get_feature_flag(account, flag, signing_account=None)

Test if a specific feature flag is set for an account. The request has to be signed by the requested account or an admin account.

  • account (str) – requested account
  • flag (str) – flag to be tested
  • signing_account (str) – (optional) account to sign the request. If unset, account is used.


from beem import Steem
from beem.conveyor import Conveyor
s = Steem(keys=["5JPOSTINGKEY"])
c = Conveyor(blockchain_instance=s)
print(c.get_feature_flag('accountname', 'accepted_tos'))
get_feature_flags(account, signing_account=None)

Get the account’s feature flags. The request has to be signed by the requested account or an admin account.

  • account (str) – requested account
  • signing_account (str) – (optional) account to sign the request. If unset, account is used.


from beem import Steem
from beem.conveyor import Conveyor
s = Steem(keys=["5JPOSTINGKEY"])
c = Conveyor(blockchain_instance=s)
get_user_data(account, signing_account=None)

Get the account’s email address and phone number. The request has to be signed by the requested account or an admin account.

  • account (str) – requested account
  • signing_account (str) – (optional) account to sign the request. If unset, account is used.


from beem import Steem
from beem.conveyor import Conveyor
s = Steem(keys=["5JPOSTINGKEY"])
c = Conveyor(blockchain_instance=s)

Get the Conveyor status

Sample output:

    'ok': True, 'version': '1.1.1-4d28e36-1528725174',
    'date': '2018-07-21T12:12:25.502Z'

List all saved drafts from account

Parameters:account (str) – requested account

Sample output:

    'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'id': 2, 'result': [
        {'title': 'draft-title', 'body': 'draft-body',
         'uuid': '06497e1e-ac30-48cb-a069-27e1672924c9'}
prehash_message(timestamp, account, method, params, nonce)

Prepare a hash for the Conveyor API request with SHA256 according to Hashing of second is then done inside ecdsasig.sign_message().

  • timestamp (str) – valid iso8601 datetime ending in “Z”
  • account (str) – valid steem blockchain account name
  • method (str) – Conveyor method name to be called
  • param (bytes) – base64 encoded request parameters
  • nonce (bytes) – random 8 bytes
remove_draft(account, uuid)

Remove a draft from the Conveyor database

  • account (str) – requested account
  • uuid (str) – draft identifier as returned from list_drafts
save_draft(account, title, body)

Save a draft in the Conveyor database

  • account (str) – requested account
  • title (str) – draft post title
  • body (str) – draft post body
set_user_data(account, params, signing_account=None)

Set the account’s email address and phone number. The request has to be signed by an admin account.

  • account (str) – requested account
  • param (dict) – user data to be set
  • signing_account (str) – (optional) account to sign the request. If unset, account is used.


from beem import Steem
from beem.conveyor import Conveyor
s = Steem(keys=["5JADMINPOSTINGKEY"])
c = Conveyor(blockchain_instance=s)
userdata = {'email': '', 'phone':'+123456789'}
c.set_user_data('accountname', userdata, 'adminaccountname')