
exception beem.exceptions.AccountDoesNotExistsException

Bases: Exception

The account does not exist

exception beem.exceptions.AccountExistsException

Bases: Exception

The requested account already exists

exception beem.exceptions.AssetDoesNotExistsException

Bases: Exception

The asset does not exist

exception beem.exceptions.BatchedCallsNotSupported

Bases: Exception

Batch calls do not work

exception beem.exceptions.BlockDoesNotExistsException

Bases: Exception

The block does not exist

exception beem.exceptions.BlockWaitTimeExceeded

Bases: Exception

Wait time for new block exceeded

exception beem.exceptions.ContentDoesNotExistsException

Bases: Exception

The content does not exist

exception beem.exceptions.InsufficientAuthorityError

Bases: Exception

The transaction requires signature of a higher authority

exception beem.exceptions.InvalidAssetException

Bases: Exception

An invalid asset has been provided

exception beem.exceptions.InvalidMemoKeyException

Bases: Exception

Memo key in message is invalid

exception beem.exceptions.InvalidMessageSignature

Bases: Exception

The message signature does not fit the message

exception beem.exceptions.InvalidWifError

Bases: Exception

The provided private Key has an invalid format

exception beem.exceptions.MissingKeyError

Bases: Exception

A required key couldn’t be found in the wallet

exception beem.exceptions.NoWalletException

Bases: Exception

No Wallet could be found, please use beem.wallet.Wallet.create() to create a new wallet

exception beem.exceptions.NoWriteAccess

Bases: Exception

Cannot store to sqlite3 database due to missing write access

exception beem.exceptions.OfflineHasNoRPCException

Bases: Exception

When in offline mode, we don’t have RPC

exception beem.exceptions.RPCConnectionRequired

Bases: Exception

An RPC connection is required

exception beem.exceptions.VestingBalanceDoesNotExistsException

Bases: Exception

Vesting Balance does not exist

exception beem.exceptions.VoteDoesNotExistsException

Bases: Exception

The vote does not exist

exception beem.exceptions.VotingInvalidOnArchivedPost

Bases: Exception

The transaction requires signature of a higher authority

exception beem.exceptions.WalletExists

Bases: Exception

A wallet has already been created and requires a password to be unlocked by means of beem.wallet.Wallet.unlock().

exception beem.exceptions.WitnessDoesNotExistsException

Bases: Exception

The witness does not exist

exception beem.exceptions.WrongMasterPasswordException

Bases: Exception

The password provided could not properly unlock the wallet

exception beem.exceptions.WrongMemoKey

Bases: Exception

The memo provided is not equal the one on the blockchain